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Chlorella For Horses

Chlorella is a single-celled freshwater green micro-algae, containing abundant chlorophyll, as well as essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein and antioxidants.

Chlorella has a cooling energy with a salty mineral taste. This small plant can help improve digestive health, detoxify, build blood and provide a nutrient dense easily absorbed food.

Detoxification/High Chlorophyll

Many studies have shown Chlorella’s ability to detoxify the body of pesticides, herbicides, radiation residue and heavy metals, like mercury. It is thought that the hard cell wall of Chlorella absorbs these toxins, gently eliminating them from the body.

Chlorella’s high chlorophyll content assists the body in removing toxins. Chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants, is known for building blood, improving digestive health and is a strong antioxidant. It also helps to improve oxygen circulation in the bloodstream and increases red blood cell counts. Chlorophyll cleanses the liver, blood, kidneys and digestive tract, improving overall health. As plant eaters, horses need chlorophyll in their diet for optimum health.

Nucleic Acid

The nucleus of the chlorella cell contains nucleic acid the building blocks of cell renewal. The body is constantly renewing and repairing cells, nourishing this process with dietary sources of nucleic acid can help the body work more efficiently. This can help with tissue repair in our hard-working horses.


Chlorella is packed with easily assimilated nutrition! This algae contains Vitamin A, B vitamins, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorous, Iron, and more. Chlorella contains 19 of the 22 amino acids and all the essential amino acids, including Glutamic acid, Lysine and Methionine. With a high protein content of 60 percent, Chlorella is a quality protein that is easily absorbed by the body.

Immune system booster/Digestive Health

The immune and digestive system are linked and improving them helps the overall health of your horse. Chlorella with its high chlorophyll content and fibrous outer cell can increase beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. While the digestive enzymes in Chlorella help to improve absorption of nutrients.


Always start with a very small amount to be sure your horse is not allergic to Chlorella and to help them get used to the taste.

Photosensitization can occur, so be aware if your horse starts getting sunburned easily. Chlorella contains high iron amounts. Use with caution in metabolic horses as iron-overload has been associated with metabolic issues and Chlorella can increase iron levels. Some horses can have gastrointestinal distress from ingesting chlorella, such as diarrhea, bloating and gas. Choose a source for your Chlorella that tests for toxins, as chlorella can absorb toxins in the environment that it grows.


When purchasing, look for Chlorella that is grown in large tanks to prevent environmental contamination. For better absorption and easy digestion, purchase Chlorella that has had its hard cell wall cracked.

Start small and work up to 1 to 2 teaspoons a day of Chlorella to include this potent plant in your horse’s diet.

If you are looking for an easily assimilated whole food that is high in nutrition, Chlorella can be a good choice for you and your horse.

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© Original Art by Amber Baldwin

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